Hello all! I have decided to start a blog not with the intentions that many people will read this but more of a type of therapeutic method for my constant analyzations about everything from my own personal beliefs about religion to why people's driving skills have seem to detiorate and everything in between. But to the few that do read this, I would like to say thank you and welcome to a free spirited and open environment. I greatly value the friends I have in my life and the connections we share and will continue to share. If I happen to post anything that offends anyone, please know that it is completely unintentional and are simply my opinions written down and I apologize. Also please feel free to offer any kind of rebuttal or dispute. I hope to keep this blog entirely open to any free thought from myself or anyone else. Thank you again for visiting my blog and I hope you visit frequently.
All the best
I love the ham story. Welcome to the blogging world :0)